Morrissey is sold out.
the manic hispanic
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Lollapalooza is coming back to Chicago...for the next 5 years. Dates for 2007 have already been announced, August 3-5. See you there.
There is a Morrissey pre-sale tomorrow from 10am to 10pm. There are two passwords wxrtvip and ringleader. Thanks to John Wayne's Daughter and some Morrissey geeks for the info. Don't be offended if I called you a Morrissey geek. I'm one too.
In other news, I love Hot Chip!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Morrissey will be playing the Aragon on Nov 21st! That's a Tuesday night for those of you playing at home. Woohoo! Supposedly, it's the only U.S. show. Tickets go on sale this Saturday at noon. AwesomeDawson.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Other than realizing that I might be losing some hair on my left side, I decided on the way home from a haircut today that "Young Folks" by Peter Bjorn and John is my favorite song of the year. I know what you're saying, "but there's two months left in the year." I know this and I'm 99.999999999999999999999% sure that there will be nothing that I hear in the next two months that can top this song. It's just so catchy. And that whistling! And that girl's voice!
In other news, what do you do when you start losing your friends to the shackles of life(marriage, kids, live-in bf/gf, general exhaustion due to work, therefore leading to a lack of interest in doing anything that might be fun)? Seriously, kids. What's going on? You're still young. It seems to me like this happened overnight. My list of people who I can call to have fun with is getting very slim and every time that I call somebody I feel like I'm trying too hard to convince them to have some fun. This should not be happening. Everyone just seems so self absorbed. Any thoughts on this topic?
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Uli got robbed! I kind of had the same feeling last night like I did during Germany/Italy game. You think Germany is about to pull out the victory and out of nowhere a stunning defeat. Poor Germany. This blog has alot more info. Project Rungay! Genius.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
1) I'm all ready for the Project Runway finale. That's something that I thought I would never say. Anyways, I want Uli to win. Germany didn't win the World Cup so at least they can win Project Runway.
2)Those commercials for "Marie Antoinette" where they use New Order and the Strokes are so cool. I don't know how much it makes me want to see the movie, but it makes me a bit nostalgic and reminds me of certain times in my life. Good times.
3)The "Pussy Cats" album that the Walkmen are about to put out sounds wonderful. If you don't believe me listen to "Don't Forget Me." I get teary eyed listening to that song.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I didn't go to see Lily Allen last night. I was a little upset that she never responded to my lunch date request. Lily, if you're reading this we can do lunch anytime. I'm sure Lily will come back and I'm sure she'll hit the festival circuit so maybe I can propose to her at Coachella under the desert sun. Somebody who did go was our Lily Allen contest winner, Marisa. Marisa had this to say...
"Lily Allen was cute as can be and sounded wonderful for a girl who smokes and sings at the same time."
Sounds hot. Such a statement just makes my love for Lily even stronger.
In other news, that Bears game was awe some. Awesome.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Paul Robinson's howler against Croatia
There hasn't been too many soccer post lately so I give you this gem. This happened on Wednesday, Croatia vs England. The England(in white) defender passes it back to the english goalie and look what happens...
Friday, October 13, 2006
1. Today is officially "Diddy Day" in Chicago. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. In honor of this holiday I give you this clip from Chapelle Show.
2. I sent Lily Allen a myspace message asking her out to lunch on Monday.
3. Yesterday I tried to go to the Gap to buy some jeans only to find people hanging from lightposts and screaming. It took me a few minutes to find out that Oprah was inside and a few hours more(when I watched the news) to find out that Bono was with her.
3a. That episode aired this morning. This morning after work I walked back to the Gap(they wouldn't let me in yesterday) only to find the first floor packed with women buying all this stuff that Oprah had just bought on her show. It was hilarious. The power of Oprah.
4. I spit hot fire.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Congratulations to Marisa aka the Roller Derby Queen aka John Wayne's Daughter. Marisa is the winner of our Lily Allen contest. Marisa will now enjoy Lily and her sweet beats next Monday at the Double Door. I think I'm in love with Lily Allen, but I'll save that post for another day. I wasn't going to go the concert cause I have to wake up at that ungodly hour of 2am, but then I realized today that I was going to be up till 1030 anyway watching the Bears game(how awesome are the Bears? Pretty awesome.) so I might as well tough it out for a few more hours and be really tired at work. It was bound to happen someday and it may as well happen in the name of Lily Allen.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Two post ago I wrote about the Oohlas and Ultragrrrl and what do you know? Ultragrrrl read the post and left a comment. How funny is that? I didn't even think people read this thing let alone an ultracoool person like Ms. Sarah. Oh, Sarah, that Ultrahrrrl thing was a joke. But really, how did you find a little blog like me? You have such good taste in music. How did My Chemical Romance make it past your crap detector?
In other news, I need somebody to come over and force me to do some exercise. Seriously. My health or lack there of is spinning out of control. I also need somebody to come over and cook me some meals. I'm very tired of eating out all the time and I'm sick of every restaurant in the neighborhood. Help me.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
It's fair to say that the Lily Allen ticket giveaway contest is a success. So far there is one person who wants the tickets. If you're playing at home this is one more person than the free Pixies ticket giveaway. If I was John Wayne's Daughter I'd be feeling pretty good about my chances. I really want to go to this show, but my start time at work makes it nearly impossible. I know, it's a hard knock life.
There's still 5 days left in the contest...
Monday, October 02, 2006

Who wants two tickets to see Lily Allen at the Double Door? Leave a comment and if more than one person responds I'll pick someone at random. These tickets are free. I'm giving them to you cause I love you. Actually, I don't but I'm giving them to you anyway. I believe the concert is Monday, October 16th . Contest ends October 8th.