Yes! Yes! Yes! Cry Argentina Cry!
the manic hispanic
Friday, June 30, 2006
It's Christmas all over again. The World Cup is really the gift that keeps on giving. I really, really, really hope Argentina loses today. Don't fail me Germany, don't fail me. I love it how everyone who hated Germany now loves the way that they've been playing in this World Cup, myself included. Go Duetschland! Nothing would make my day more than seeing a bunch of crying, loser Argentinians. I'm also rooting for Ukraine in the second game. Go Ukraine! Today is gonna be great, but it gets even better tomorrow. Wooooohoooo.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Zidane was just ridiculous yesterday. Brazil vs. France is gonna be an amazing game. It seems like France is playing with more passion the past two games which will definitely make things interesting. France is playing like they're angry and have something to prove. And they're finally scoring goals.

Ronaldo became the leading scorer in World Cup history yesterday by scoring a very sick goal against Ghana that left the goalie on the floor and the ball in the net. Such a nice goal. He now has 15 World Cup goals. He may be packing a few extra pounds these days, but he can still score like no other. Ronaldo's goal yesterday was also the 9th goal of this World Cup that was scored in the first 5 minutes of a game. This is also a record. Watch the game when it starts or you might miss something.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Another awesome day of World Cup action today. Brazil vs. Ghana and France vs. Spain. Hipsters love Ghana(the Black Stars). I love Brazil and Ronaldinho's teeth, so I'm going with Brazil. I'm also going with Spain in the 2nd game today though it breaks my heart that this could be Zidane's last World Cup game.
Monday, June 26, 2006

Going back to work after 15 days of pure soccer and drinking is no fun! Anyways, the World Cup is heating up. Portugal vs. England?!? That game is gonna be ridiculous. Germany vs. Argentina! Wha? Totally Awesome Dawson. I'm torn with the England vs. Portugal game, but I think I have to go with Portugooooooool! There just playing with more urgency right now. Either way England or Portugal will be in the semis. I love it.
Thursday, June 22, 2006

Here it goes...
Bruce Arena should be fired. Horrible tactics. The whole Cup. Why you play with one forward when you have to win is beyond me. I hate that formation and it only works if you are a world class team, which the U.S. is not.
Why did Ben Olsen come in when Claudio Reyna got hurt? The player who controls the tempo for your team goes out and you put in Ben Olsen?!?! Bruce, you've been eating retard sandwiches. WTF. And good call not bringing Taylor Twellman to the World Cup. You scored one goal, in three games. While Taylor's at home playing in some worthless MLS game. Good call Bruce. Good call.

Big day today. By now everyone knows that the U.S. must win today, but I don't know if everyone fully realizes that every team in Group E(US,Italy,Czechs,&Ghana)has to win too. It should make for a great two hours of World Cup action.
On Tuesday I was at Small Bar watching the England game and for some reason or another Goldie was there watching the game. Gold teeth and big fat gold chain. Weird.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006

This is my favorite picture that I snapped in Germany. It's a pic of Frankie Hejduk. Frankie was suppose to be on the U.S. team, but he got hurt and could not partake in the Cup. Instead, he sat behind me during the Czech Republic game and double fisted Budweiser's and signed autographs for everybody. A real American hero.
All in all, my trip to the World Cup was amazing. The Italy vs U.S. match was insane. Watching Germany vs. Poland with 300,000 Germans in the middle of Berlin is something that I will never forget. All those Germans cheering was scary yet awesome. At times the trip was overwhelming and surreal. Too much history in that country and so much soccer made for an unforgettable time. More pictures to come.
Guess who's back in the motherfucking house? I'm almost ready to start posting pictures. My pictures are good and they are not just of female fans in bikinis. I'm still a little jet lagged. I slept from 5pm yesterday to 7am this morning. Stay tuned.
Friday, June 09, 2006

Just like Christmas Day morning. My plane does not leave till 430pm, but I'm up and ready to go. This is just fantastic.
World Cup 2006 Germany Mix:
It's Time to Party-AWK
Hooligan-The Smiths
anything off of "Kicking Balls" by Alexi Lalas
Winds of Change-Scorpions
99 Luftballons-Nena
Rock You Like a Hurricane-Scorpions
The Metro-Berlin
So much Scorps! This mix rules.
CBS will be at Small Bar on Division and Damen this morning to capture the fans in all their glory. If you're at a bar at 10am to watch soccer there's probably alot glory to be captured. Starting the 20th, you will most likely find me at this bar for , like, the whole day. I might as well pack my lunch every morning and bring it with me as if I were going to work. From the 20th to the 23rd there's 4 games on a day! The World Cup, the gift that keeps on giving...I love you World Cup.
I hope Germany loses today! And Argentina tomorrow! And Mexico on Sunday! When those teams lose, it's just like winning to me.
Wish me luck. I hope I get to see the US win some games. If you're bored check out Clint Dempsey's(aka Deuce) website. It's absolutely horrible, yet amazing at the same time. Somebody should let the guy know he should stick to one thing, preferably soccer and not rapping.
My name's Doug, and I'm out of heeeeerrrrreeeee.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Group Play winners(1,2)
Group A: Germany, Ecuador
Group B: England, Sweden
Group C: Holland, Ivory Coast ( I know what you're saying, where's Argentina? I hate them, and I hope they lose all their games)
Group D: Portugal, Iran
Group E: USA, Italy
Group F: Brazil, Japan
Group G: France, S. Korea
Group H: Spain, Ukraine(though my gut says Tunisia might surprise everyone)
I'm not gonna try and pick one winner, but I will say that one of these teams will win...
Brazil, England, Holland, Portugal.
Along with the U.S., these are the teams that I'm rooting for.
I leave tomorrow! I still get to watch the first game at Small Bar before I leave and I'll be able to watch the 2nd game at the airport. Life is good.
Broken Legs Everywhere...
This why you should not play warm up games 2 days before the start of the World Cup.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
28.8 people viewed the World Cup in 2002. 1.1 billion watched the final. Less than 100 million watched the Super Bowl. Read more... all two of you loyal readers probably noticed my blog disappeared for a couple days, but we're back! And we're ready to talk more soccerfootballfussballfutebol. Yay! I leave on Friday and I'm so fucking pumped up. As of today, I will be attending two games. US vs Czech Republic and US vs Italy. I feel real lucky cause I have seats in the best sections for both games, 19th row for the Czech game and 2nd row for the Italy game, right in the center. If the US scores in the Italy game I might get some screen time.
So I should start to make some predictions...

Breakout player: Oguchi "The Gooch" Onyewu (Defender-USA) the guy's nickname is the Gooch. If that name doesn't strike fear in World Cup players who have watched Different Strokes, I don't know what would.
Will the US make it past the 1st round? Yes. They will. Past that? Very tough. If they finish 2nd in their group it would most likely mean that they would play Brazil in the 2nd round. Good luck my friends.
Surprise Team: Iran. They will beat Mexico on Sunday, and they will make it to the quarterfinals. You heard it here first.
More tomorrow...
Sunday, June 04, 2006

So Mr. Crouch scored a hat trick yesterday which meant that he got to do the robot more than once. My first World Cup prediction...what the mohawk was to 2002, the robot will be to 2006. The funniest thing that I saw yesterday was on the Sky Sports newscast when they showed a bunch of little kids doing the robot outside the stadium. Like 40 of them, all doing the robot. The robot will bring world peace.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
In five days I will be leaving for Germany! What? What! I'm so excited. So excited that I woke up at 8 this morning to watch England play Jamaica in England's last warm up game. I'm gonna try and do some serious blogging from now until the end of the World Cup. It's gonna be full of updates, personal views, and personal

Friday, June 02, 2006
This may or may not become a photo blog soon. I got a digital camera the other day and I can't stop taking pictures. I've got some pictures from the Walkmen last night. If I get it together may be I'll post them today. I don't know if that will happen though cause it's noon and I still feel drunk from last night.
If this doesn't become a photo blog I think I might shut this puppy down soon. Don't be sad. All good things come to an end.