In five days I will be leaving for Germany! What? What! I'm so excited. So excited that I woke up at 8 this morning to watch England play Jamaica in England's last warm up game. I'm gonna try and do some serious blogging from now until the end of the World Cup. It's gonna be full of updates, personal views, and personal

opinions. So before I write a post about how much I hate Argentina I thought I would start off with a nice post. And my nice post is... We here at this old blog want England to do well. Not only cause we've really liked England since we were small children, but because if England does well it will probably mean that their forward Peter Crouch(he's 6'7) will have scored a goal or two. And why do we want him to score goals? Cause the guy does the robot after he scores a goal. The fooking robot! Genius, man. Pure genius.
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