So, I'm watching the MTV awards pre-show right now and Sway just said that he has a huge amount of respect for 30 Seconds to Mars. What? Sway is half retarded anyway. My Chemical Romance is gonna play outside on the 70th floor of some building and all the kids are dressed in black. How spooky.
the manic hispanic
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
You should purchase "Waterloo to Anywhere" by Dirty Pretty Things. It's really good. You should also buy...
*The new TV on the Radio-on import but worth the extra 5 bucks. Or you can wait another month
*Cansei de Ser Sexy
*Hot Chip- "The Warning"
*Paris Hilton- "Paris"
Buying these five albums will complete your summer. Well, at least four of them will.
Did anybody see Farrah Fawcett on the Emmys or on Willam Shattner's Roast on Comedy Central? She looks like a crack whore.

Please God, give me some more crack!
Just one rock.
I got some cheeseburgers.
And these ain't just any cheeseburgers, they double cheeseburgers.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
I got a 2nd interview tomorrow! This whole process is a little bit stressful, but we'll see what happens tomorrow. Wish me luck. Seriously, wish me luck.
In other news, how creepy is that John Mark Karr guy?

This guy gives me the heebie geebies.
What a weirdo. Who the fuck would hire this guy, and as a teacher!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
When the Levees Broke

I saw the first part of Spike Lee's documentary last night and it was impressive and sad. If you have HBO I highly recommend that you catch the 2nd part tonight. Many parts stand out especially the montage of all the dead bodies around the city, but the part that sticks out most in my mind is the story told by CNN anchor Soledad o'Brien. She's interviewing Michael Brown(aka Brownie)and she's shocked that Mr. Brown has absolutely no idea what's going on in New Orleans and how out of touch he is with the situation. She then goes on to say that she had better intelligence about the situation than Brownie and the rest of the U.S. government. The catch is that Soledad's "intelligence" was prepared by her 23 year old production assistant! It is also shameful to hear what Bush's top dogs were doing in the first few days after the hurricane hit. Condi buying expensive shoes and playing tennis with Monica Seles? Sad. Sad. Sad.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Everybody keeps on talking about how the new Killers song sounds like Springsteen, but I think it sounds more like Bon Jovi. What do you think? Bon Jovi, right? It sounds like an outtake from "Slippery When Wet."
Thursday, August 17, 2006
I just learned how to tie a tie on the internet and now I'm gonna watch a tivoed episode of the new Laguna Beach. Yes, I'm a 27 year old straight male and everything I just said is absolutely ridiculous.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Real quick...
1) I got an interview in two days.
2) I've talked about how much I love the new Rapture single and now they have a video for it on Myspace. I'd add a link, but you'll probably sign in to myspace 10 times today. The song makes me want to dance, the video makes me want to rollerskate.
3)Speaking of dancetastic hits. I've been digging Cansei De Ser Sexy(CSS) all summer especially a couple of their tunes "Alala" and "Lets Make Love and Listen to Death From Above." Now, here's the thing. Who has sex and listens to Death From Above 1979 in the background? Seriously, I don't know how the kids do it in Brazil, but DFA1979 would be one of my last choices to be playing in the background. Me? I prefer some smooth hits in the background. Maybe some Al Green or some Lil' Jon.
Anyways, I got to run cause I got to go buy a fresh, new tie for my interview. Does Sean John make ties? Just kidding.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Now I would have posted about Lollapalooza yesterday, but I woke up around 5pm with the worst hangover ever. More on that later. As far as the festival goes I had a great time. There's a bit of whining going on about Lollapalooza being too corporate and blah, blah. As if it wasn't corporate in '92 or '93 when it was playing a fucking ampitheatre in Tinley Park. Anyways, just about every band that I saw I enjoyed. The Shins were a bit of a snoozer and so was Death Cab. The Chili Peppers kind of stunk it up, but what do you expect from them these days? Very little considering their first single was a song with California in the title(again).
And now for my highlights... Manu Chao was my favorite. So excellent. I loved the police siren and the fact that 40% of the songs ended with the word marijuana and the crowd loved all of it and Manu and his banda loved everybody right back. They came out about 3 times after they pulled the plug on them just to wave and give thanks to the crowd.
I also saw and really enjoyed sets by Sound Team, Editors, Go!Team, The Smoking Popes, Wolfmother, Cold War Kids, Perry Farrell, Patti Smith(sidenote: It looked like they picked Patti up from the bar. She looks like a female version of Keith Ricards), Raconteurs(most surprising set), Be Your Own Pet and Hot Chip. Which brings us back to my hangover.
After the festival was over we decided to head over to Sonotheque to listen to Hot Chip dj. Somehow we ended up talking to them and then going to some other bar after Sonotheque closed. It's all really, really, really, blurry at this point(I had my first beer around noon and it was now 2am)So we are at this bar, smashed, and apparently all I could ask Hot Chip about was soccer and their favorite teams. After this bar closes at 4am we get into some van and head over to an apartment. Where this apartment is I don't know. Who was in the van other than Hot Chip, I don't know either, but there must have been about 15 people piled into this van. We walk into this apartment where there's tons and tons of recording equipment everywhere. Clearly the person who lived there was some sort of producer. This guy asks us if we want to hear some music and puts a song on. I right away recognize the voice of the artist and I ask him who's singing. He replies with something like," Oh, it's a song that I'm working on for my friend Mike." And who could that Mike be? Michael Jackson. I heard new Michael Jackson and it was fucking awesome. Best thing I heard all weekend. Seriously. I was dancing like a maniac. Apparently this guy's some sort of big shot cause he's also working on songs for R.Kelly and Xtina. Next thing I know I wake up at my apt. around 5pm, fully clothed, with my shoes on, on the couch. I felt miserable. Still kind of do. But I heard new Michael Jackson, and it was so fucking good. So good
Friday, August 04, 2006
Thursday, August 03, 2006
What a lovely week. Pitchfork followed by Lollapalooza. I had some more pictures from Pitchfork, but I was too lazy to post them. All you need to know is that Spank Rock was the best and Man Man looked like a cross between the Ultimate Warrior and a cricket team.
Tomorrow Lollapalooza...I'm looking forward to Sound Team, Editors, Secret Machines, Hot Chip!, and Manu Chao!!! I get to see Manu Chao! Woohoo! The fact that Lollapalooza is in Chicago makes it interesting cause you bump into alot people that you know(i.e. people from highschool, college, and ex-girlfriends). I got to say that I'm disappointed that the Rapture is not playing. I could have seen myself creating some new dance moves during that set. Dance moves that could have changed the world...