the manic hispanic


Friday, July 22, 2005

I have a new band. A side band to give me a break from The Internets. My new side band is called....


Kind of like Satellite Party, but more refreshing on the balls.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

I hope all you suckers had fun at Intonation cause I had fun at a little thing I call work. I also had fun at Soldier Field watching Real Madrid in a great display of soccer. This brings us to this weekend and Lollapalooza. First things first, it's gonna be fucking hot. So hot that I don't think Tarzan would survive. I highly recommend that you, male or female, apply Goldbond to your crotch. Goldbond works wonders. Plus, the first 15 minutes after you apply Goldbond is like a hit of nitrous. So good. I learned my lesson at Coachella this year. After a hot day in the sun, dancing, and walking and all that good festival stuff all I wanted to do was have a big Goldbond party and have somebody rub Goldbond all over crotch. Hear me now, believe me later.

Apart from the heat there will be music played this weekend. I'm pretty excited about this. Not as excited as I was when I went to Coachella, but still pretty excited. If you like good music and you're from Chicago you know that something like this has never happened in downtown Chicago. Hopefully this is the start of something special that can happen every year. Other than being excited to see the Pixies and The Arcade Fire I'm most pumped to see Satellite Party. Partly for their music, but mostly for Nuno Bettancourt. When was the last time Nuno played in front of 50,000 people? Guy must be crapping in his pants. I remember when I was in grade school and I taped the Freddy Mercury tribute concert and I would watch it every day after school. Good times. This concert was highlighted by Extreme's medley of Queen songs. This was awesome when I was 11.

If you're going, leave a comment and tell me what you're excited to see other than Nuno Bettancourt.