Those rumors in the last post are false. Like a sucker I believed them, but I think I'm still going to Coachella this year. Should be grand no matter who is playing.
Do you ever wake up and not want to go to work? Does this feeling ever last all week?
Last weekend I blacked out for the third time(ever) in four months. During the blackout process I called my roommate's cell phone and told him he was the ugliest roommate I had ever had. Mind you, he was sleeping downstairs and I was upstairs indulging in box of cookies and a plate of onion rings. So if there's anybody out there who recieved a phone call from me last weekend around 3 a.m. I sincerely apologize. It wasn't me calling, it was Blackout Me. Blackout Me is still a bit of a mystery, but I'll let you know that he likes peeing on stranger's carpets, making phone calls, and onion rings. And Ashlee Simpson.
Stay tuned this weekend to see if I blackout again. I'll try my best.