the manic hispanic


Tuesday, June 15, 2004

I still feel sick for I was puking at 10:30pm and 12:30 am last night, but I'm going to work nonetheless. Yesterday when I talked to my "supervisor" the conversation went something like this...

Supervisor: You're not coming to work today?
Me: No, I feel pretty awful today.
Supervisor: What's wrong with you?
Me:(Slight pause)Well I have diarehhea, and nausea and I keep on gaging, but I havent puked yet.
Supervisor: Oh. Well let me try to find somebody to come in for you, but keep the phone by you and I'll leave you on standby if someone can't come in...

What part of I'm sick and I'm not coming to work did he not understand. And who the fuck asks "what's wrong with you." What wrong with me, what's wrong with you that you have to ask that? Some people lose their minds and hearts when they recieve the minimal amount of power.

Monday, June 14, 2004

First things first, I'd like to tip my hat to England and France for playing one of the most entertaining soccer matches in a while. Very awesome.

Also I'd like to tip my hat to the Elk Effects. You're signed.

Also I'd like to tip my hat to myself cause I'm home sick today. Email me and we can watch movies or something.