Often imitated, never duplicated, and hardly ever updated...Hey kitty cats, it me. That's right, me. I'm at my parents house retrieving my resume for I have a interview on Wednesday to become a commercial producer at Univision. I would be making award winning commercials in Spanish for the likes of "El Guero Grocery" and other fine latino stores around Chicago. I think I might be underqualified for the position, but I hope my take no prisoner attitude and boyish young looks will get me the job.
Sadly, it looks like neither of these two traits have helped me gain any fame or fortune in the webzine world cause it looks like I didn't make the cut over at 20/40. I just wish the coach would tell me there wasn't enough uniforms to put me on the team. Or at least tell me to work on my jump shot over the summer and we could talk in the fall. I will live to fight another day.
So that new Radiohead cd is the bee's knees. I just purchased the new Mars Volta. It sounds like Santana on crack.
Speaking of crack...Duck Barglin just informed me that Dirt McGirt will have his own show on VH1. That's the best thing I've heard all day, if not all week.
Let's see what am I forgetting.... Ah yes, I went to Field Day. It rained alot. I like driving through Pennsylvania. All the bands where amazing with the exception of Liz Phair, who at 36 still looks amazing, but can't quite get party started right(sidenote: this does not mean I thought Liz Phair was bad. It just means that she wasn't amazing.)
Speaking of bad... I mean down right awful. I had the unfortunate experience of being trapped by thousands of teenage boys and girls and unwillingly witnessing the atrocity known as Sum 41 on Saturday night. "Punk bands" that have choreagraphy make for a wack ass concert. This is almost as bad as the time I saw Good Charolette last year. The only difference is the levels of shock and awe where much higher with Good Charolette because I had never heard of the band and I also didn't know music could be so bad. Please note, that Good Charolette wasn't the monster last year that it is now.
Lastly, the Dismemberment Plan show at the Metro was the best. Good bands should not break up. You hear that O-Town?