the manic hispanic


Tuesday, April 22, 2003

I am back. It seems like forever or was just yesterday. Oh blogger how I've missed you.

I'm in the lovely G-view for the night cause my best friends dad is in a coma at Glenbrook Hospital. Not the best reasons to come back or to be blogging for the first time in months, but this is the first time in a long time that I'm in front of a computer and it is either a) free or b) no nazi boss watching you. The Big Boss Man at Univision doesn't even let his own crew use computers for any non work purposes. I'm like, "Yo bossman, I got a blog, I got a duty, people in this white world want to know what runs through latin minds," and he's like, "You blog, you fired," and I'm like,"Yo whatever".

Seriously though life is so much better when you can blog. I couldn't even imagine the possibilities if i could blog at work and read blogs all day. All you people should be greatful if you have a job that allows you into the blog world.

I do see that the blog world is chaning. I'm Blonde and I'm Crazy is now "In Progress". You better cut it with your leftist bullshit. Didn't you hear, liberalism is dead or so Mike Savage says.

Mike Savage is the anti-christ, GDubs is the devil, and Ari Fleischer is the Unholy Ghost.

Somebody told me that in a new People Magazine the new "in" drink at bars is Gimlets. Dood, that shit is so 2002. The real new "in" drink is a Vodka Redbull with a shot of Jagermeister in it. I invite you all to partake in the VRBJ extravaganza this weekend for somebody is turning 24 tomorrow. I won't tell you who, but lets just say he's short ,dark and handsome. If one of the 1.3892 of you who are reading this want to come, email me and I'll tell you where the festivities will be held.

I'm going to bed. I'm sleep deprived. If you pray, pray for my friends dad.