the manic hispanic


Friday, September 06, 2002

So far no help or tips from anyone...Though I believe I am not fully qualified to get this job I do find dreaming about the financial possibilities of this job to be fun. Lets be frank...Ok, you be Frank and I'll be Mauricio(bad joke). Either way, being a producer for a major news market is probably not chump change. With that said, if I get the job everybody who reads this blog will be invited to major party at Qdoba. All the burritos you can eat. This is a promise. Now I know that none of you showed up at the last party I threw, but I'll excuse you and you can eat whatever you want. Speaking of the last party...

I don't remember very much. I will tell you this... a keg was thrown from the 4th floor of the parking lot on Pinckney and Dayton. Then lots of stuff was thrown and broken off the porch by the host of the party. Then the cops came. Then the host went to bed. Then he woke up. Then everybody told him what happened a day later. I was really drunk before anybody came and I was still drunk at 2:00pm the next day at work. You missed out. Big time.


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