the manic hispanic


Tuesday, August 27, 2002

I thought that I would be blogging alot because I have so much time on my hands, but I do nothing all day so there is nothing exciting to talk about. With this said I will give a quick run down of my past week, the first week in Glenview.

1. Got very sick and did nothing, but sleep and chug Robatussin for four days
2. Went to the Fireside to see Rainer Maria on Thursday
a)Got a free beer from the bartender. Who cares about making new friends when everybody knows you should become friends with the bartender first.
b). This band called Sleeping at Last played before Rainer Maria. First, if you're in a band act like you are having fun and not like it's torture to play in front of 300 people. Essentially, the people in the crowd are paying for you to eat or drink after the show, the least you could do is smile. Secondly, Sleeping at Last...Very ironic, that name. After six beers and that shite music I was in need of a cat nap. They were really boring. Really boring. Lastly, the lead singer was creepy and extra wussy. If Teen People did a story on wussy emo guys he would definitely have at least a page to himself.
c)Rainer Maria was okay
3. The Moose(aka Meghan) came to visit
4. We went to Great America. I haven't been there in 9 years. It was grand. They have built alot new rides since then. Veritcal Velocity is bomb.
5. I am a master at the water gun games. I won the Moose four stuffed animals playing those games. Beating little kids is fun. Kidding. I beat this little kid, but I gave him the stuffed animal anyway.
6. Signed a lease for an apartment on Ashland and Belmont. It's only 3 blocks away from my favorite Colombian restaurant in Chicago. Also, everything in the apartment is brand new.
7. I still have no job! Woohoo! Who need work anyway? I should get paid to download songs on the computer


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