Extra tired today. Did anybody see the show last night? Want a hunk of crap. At least you saw some Hey Mercedes, Harlow and some Duvall songs. Next week I'll be co-hosting. Thank God.
Tonight I get to have some gimlets with an old friend. It should be grand.
I was supposed to go to the park today with the girls from the Plaza who always bring their own beer, but it rained. Godammit why did have to rain? The good thing about all this is that their is two of them and one of me. If my fuzzy math is correct I believe I come out on top of that equation. They're both lookers and I'm staring at both of them. The three of us and company will be going to Club A on Friday night. That should be grand too. Club A for all of you who don't know is Club Amazon. I believe once every summer you should go there just to realize that your life and night life really is not that bad and that it could be much, much worse.
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