Argentina lost. I'm a happy Colombian. The disappoinment of Colombia not making the World Cup was completely washed away with happiness when Argentina choked and didn't make it to the second round. Dirty Argentina. Dirty. I'm tired. I got word last night that the Unholy Spirit will be making an appearance this Friday night in Madison. If anybody sees her punch her in the face for me and tell her the Colombian Cowboy sent you.
I'll be rocking the White Horse tonight cause the Duck moved up in ranks and is now a bartender.
I saw the most ridiculous video this morning by some total tool that goes by the name of Thicke. This is horrible. Just horrible. I thought it was one of those joke commercials, but no, it wasn't. I guess this is a warning to all my readers that this guy is the biggest piece of shit ever. I can't believe he has a record contract. Stupid A&R people. It's a mix of nsync, jamoraquai(sp) and the shit I took today after I ate Mexican food for lunch. Horrible. Just horrible.
Does anybody have a cigarette?
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