I need a fucking job! Hire me fuckers! Fuck! Hire me to be your friend. Hire me to be your enemy. Just hire me. Please.
It is now the beginning of summer here in Madison and it is also the start of my 4th summer in this lovely city. All the "bad," "evil," "crazy" people who have the potential of ruining my summer are now gone. Thank God.
The graduation parties were great. Especially the one at the Union which included lots of chicken wings, free alcohol, and a large game of Taboo with people who I didn't know, but who were very cool. Alot of you graduates may have complained about the weather this weekend. If you did, eat a big fat bowl of dicks cause I graduated on December 23rd. It was -10, snowing, and the night before Christmas.
Speaking of parties were I don't know anyone... I went to an afterbar last night where the lines of hetrosexuality/homosexuality were completely blurred. Guys grinding guys. Girls grinding girls. Guys who were grinding guys, then grinding girls. Needless to say, this straight, drunk, Colombian boy was very confused.
I saw Star Wars on Saturday. I wasn't too impressed. Why do they give the Emperor power so easily? I'm not a Star Wars geek, but they just handed him the power like it was no big deal. I don't get it.
As for my health I'm feeling alot better so I guess I won't have to pay the price. Thanks for all the get well cards.
All my roommates are gone this week with the exception of the new female roommate. I was told that she had supermodel looks by my roommates only to find out that she's not a supermodel. Jokes on me. She also has this freaky cat whose face is half white, half black. It looks the Phantom of the Opera. Freaky.
With that said I would like to start contest#4... Due to no roommates, and loneliness who wants to go to see "About a Boy" this week. Email me. Explain why you think I should go see this movie with you. You could write a sentence or two or a five page paper using Times font, double spaced, with a clear thesis and strong paragraphs.
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